PLease gET iN tOUCH


Millhaven Canine Rehabilitation Limited

We can be contacted by phone or email using the details below. We may not always be available so please leave a message and we will get back to you.

  07486 460550

01427 667755

Opening times
Monday: Closed
Tuesday: 1pm - 7pm
Wednesday: 1pm - 7pm
Thursday: 1pm - 7pm
Friday: 1pm - 7pm
Saturday: 9am - 5pm
Sunday: Closed

All sessions by appointment only

How to find us

We are conveniently located in the village of Glentworth, 10 miles north of Lincoln close to the A15.

The clinic entrance is located off Elizabeth Close. There is ample on road parking available.

Sat Nav: DN21 5DZ

Privacy Policy: The personal data that we collect about you will include data relating to your name, address and contact details, and the health/medical history of your dog. This data will be securely stored for up to 7 years and will be used by Millhaven Canine Rehabilitation Ltd for communication with you. It will be used as a record of your dog’s treatment and any changes that may occur in their health. You may have access to your data and have the right to ask for it to be corrected (if any errors in the data are identified) or erased. Should you have a complaint, you have the right to request contact details of the supervising authority in order to lodge this. Information will only be shared with your dog’s vet or other veterinary professionals involved in their care.


Millhaven Canine Rehabilitation Limited, registered office - Wright Vigar Ltd, Britannia House, Gainsborough, England, DN21 2NA. Company number - 10519896, registered in England and Wales.